
Our plans are to become one of the leading exporters of high quality products from Serbia

building long-term relationships with growers and establishing partnerships with our foreign customers, all in order to offer high quality products at
affordable prices to final consumers.


We have all heard the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and the benefits of a diet rich in apples are multiple.


The juicy apricots have, according to several studies conducted by researchers, numerous vitamins and minerals, important nutrients for the body.


Pear consumption offers both the pleasure of enjoying delicious and fragrant fruits and the possibility of assimilating their healthy components.


Both fresh and dry plum contains two unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic acid and chlorogenic acid, which have strong antioxidant qualities.


Grapes are one of the most cultivated fruits in the world, with 68 million tons produced in 2010, after citrus fruits, bananas and apples.


Cherries can successfully replace chocolate, candies and refined sweets, being inspired choices at every hour of the day, whether it’s morning, lunch or evening.


Peaches are not just tasty and succulent fruits. They bring you countless health benefits, being considered “the fruits of longevity”.


Sour cherries, consumed both fresh, when it’s their season, and frozen, contain a large amount of potassium, which contributes to the stabilization of the heart rate and to the health of the skin.

Here, for centuries, we have known what is best of the best soil, cultivating the best fruits and vegetables, the quality it has always been and should be. All with the help of worhty people who cultivate these products with a lot of love and a smile on their face, because they know that when You try them You will be equally smiling as those who prepared it for you.
